Experimental determination of the stopping distance of a high-current beam of relativistic electrons in a dense plasma
Babykin M.V. , Baigarin K.A. , Bartov A.V., Gorbulin Yu.M. , Gubarev A.V., Dan'ko S.A., Skoryupin V.A., Kalinin Yu.G., Kielev V.N., Mizhiritskii V.I., Rudakov L.I.
The slowing-down distance of the electron flux, which is in agreement with the idea that the electrons entering the plasma are magnetized, was determined from the measurements of the radiation of plasma produced as a result of thermal explosion of the anode foil heated by relativistic electrons from a high-current diode. A radiation anisotropy, which is attributable to the energy straggling in the incident flux, was observed.