Erratum: Action of thermal pulse on the radiation of electron droplets in germanium [JETP Lett. 30, No. 8, 464-468 (20 October 1979)]
Asnin V.M. , Ashinadze B.M. , Sablina N.I. , Stepanov V.I.
Erratum: Action of thermal pulse on the radiation of electron droplets in germanium [JETP Lett. 30, No. 8,464-468 (20 October 1979)] V. M. Asnin, В. M. Ashinadze, N. I. Sablina, and V. I. Stepanov Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 30, No. 11, 752 (5 December 1979) PACS numbers: 71.35. +2 Equation (1) should read as follows: Kinetics of EDC emission in germanium under the effect of thermal pulses with duration 5^sec and different power P, W/cm2: 1-0; 2-7.6; 3-39; 4-80.5. The upper part of figure shows oscillographs of excitation and thermal pulses.