Multiple generation of particles in collisions of nuclei of energy higher than 1012eV
Szomodyi A. , Sugar S. , Chadraa B., Basina Yu., Brikker S., Grigorov N., Grigor'eva L. , Kondrat'eva M., Mishchenko L., Nummik R. , Papina L., Podgurskaya L. , Poperekova L., Raporport I., Sokolov V., Tret'yakova Ch. , Chikova L. , Shestoperov V. , Shopenberg Zh. , Batskan B., Neachu D., Haidue M., Visky T. , Dubinski J. , Just L.
The average multiplicity in the interaction of primary cosmic-ray particle nuclei with emulsion nuclei, referred to one interacting nucleon, measured in an emulsion stack exposed on the "Interkosmos-6"satellite, turned out to be less than the value expected for expected for indpendent nucleon-nuclear collisions.