VOLUME 26 (1977) | ISSUE 11 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Polivanov Yu.N., Sukhodol'skii A.T.,
Erratum: Observation of interference of direct and cascade processes in active spectroscopy of polaritons [JETP Lett. 25, No. 5. 221-224 (5 March 1977)]
Frankevich E.L. , Pristupa A.I. , Lesin V.I. ,
Double resonance microwave transitions in intermediate complexes in the annihilation of triplet excitons
Bulakov S.V., Sasorov N.V., Syrovatskii S.I. ,
Effect of external plasma on the decay of a neutral current sheet
Gurevich A.V. , Dimant Ya.S. , Dnestrovskii Yu.N. , Razumova K.A. ,
Intensive transverse transport of fast electrons in a tokamak
Korolev F.A., Vokhnik O.M., Odintsov V.I.,
Parametric excitation of Stokes waves in stimulated Raman scattering with spatially inhomogeneous pumping
Levin E.M. , Lutsiv R.V. , Popov G.V. , Yushchuk S.I. ,
Anomalous absence of effective magnetic fields at the Fe57 nuclei in the magnetically ordered compounds CeFe2Si2 and CeFeSi
Gudymenko L.F. , Gule E.G. , Korneichuk V.A., Yaremko A.M. ,
Radiation of electron-hole condensate in CdS single crystals
Sagdeev R.Z. , Stonikov V.I. , Shapiro V.D., Shevchenko V.I. ,
Contribution to the theory of magnetosonic turbulence
Al'shitz E.I. ,Personov R.I. , Kharlamov B.M. ,
Zero-field line splitting in the fluorescence spectra of complex molecules
Andreev A.F., Dzhikaev Yu.K. ,
Structure of two-dimensional mixed state of type-I superconductors
Chernyak V.L. , Zhitnitskii A.R., Serbo V.G. ,
Asymptotic hadronic form factors in quantum chromodynamics
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