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VOLUME 25 (1977) | ISSUE 1 | PAGE 30
Specular reflection of conduction electrons from the crystal surface in tungsten or copper
By using transverse electron focusing (EF) [V. S. Tsoi, JETP Lett. 19, 65 (1974)], we measured the coefficient q of specular reflection from the crystal surface in tungsten or copper. Just as in the case of bismuth [V. S. Tsoi and N. P. Tsoi, Abstract of papers at Nineteenth All-Union Conference on Low-Temperature Physics, Minsk, 1976], the value of q for tungsten depends strongly on the orientation of the reflecting plane, with qnQ~0.65 for the (110) plane and g100~0.1 for the (100) plane. A value g^0.35 was obtained for copper.