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VOLUME 25 (1977) | ISSUE 4 | PAGE 211
Angular distributions of the protons in the reaction π+ + Xeπ p+ ∙ ∙ ∙ at 2.34 GeV/c as a background for the shock-wave effect
Results are presented of an analysis of the angular distributions of protons with Ep> 30 MeV emitted with different numbers of secondary charged particles in 7r++Xe interactions at 2.34 GeV/c. The obtained distributions are compared with the analogous characteristics of the protons emitted in collisions of protons or α particles with heavy emulsion nuclei and with lead at 70 and 17 GeV/c (O. Akhrorov et a/., JINR Rl-9963, Dubna, 1976). It is concluded that the investigated distributions reveal no irregularities capable of attesting to a noticable role of the shock-wave mechanism in the target nuclei.