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VOLUME 44 (1986) | ISSUE 9 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Bogolyubov N. M. , Izergin A. G., Reshetikhin N. Yu., Finite-size effects and critical indices of 1D quantum models 521  (405)
Aziz M., Banerjee S., Bartel W., Bailly J. L., Belokopytov Yu. A., Bruyan F., Ganguli S. N., Gemeshy T., Girtler P., Gorelov I. V., Grubek J., Gumenyuk S. A., Zholobov G. V., Iga I., Caso C., Kistenev E. P., Kubik V. M., MacNaughton J., Maran J. K., Malhotra P. K., Markytan M., Matsumoto S., Mittra I. S., Montanet L., Petrovykh Yu. L., Pinter G., Porth P., Raghavan R., Regler M., Rodrigo T., Salicio J., Singh J., Skvarcia S., Stoichenko V. I., Takahashi K., Tikhonova L. A., Trevisan Yu., Ferrando A., Fontanelli F., Khalatyan N. S., Harkwith P., Hirose T., Chiba I., Epp B., Study of inclusive production of Λ-hyperons in the target fragmentation region in pp interactions at 360 GeV/c by a triple Regge analysis 524  (407)
Bailly J. L., Batunin A. V., Bushbeck B., Gemeshy T., Girtler P., Gorelov I. V., Grubek J., Gurtu A., Dibon G., Dias-Jedo F. D., Zholobov G. V., Iga I., Caso C., Kistenev E. P., Kobayashi T., Koly M. M., Krasnovski S., Malhotra P. K., Maran J. K., Markytan M., Mittra I. S., Montanet L., Neichofer G., Pinter G., Porth P., Rodrigo T., Singh D. B., Skvarcia S., Sudakhar K., Tikhonova L. A., Trevisan V., Tsurugau T., Ferrando A., Fontanelli F., Hamatsu R., Harkwaith F., Hirose T., Shiba Y., Emura T., Epp B., Study of the mechanism for quark-diquark fragmentation in pp interactions at 360 GeV/c 530  (411)
Krasnikov N. V., Supersymmetry breaking in superstring theories 535  (416)
Novikov A. D., Obukhovskii V. V., Odulov S. G., Sturman B. I., "Explosive instability" and optical generation in photorefractive crystals 538  (418)
Bulanov S. V., Sakharov A. S., Acceleration of particles captured by a strong potential wave with a curved wave front in a magnetic field 543  (421)
Zakharov L. E., Riedel K., Self-excitation of ballooning tearing modes; nature of the anomaly in the toroidal magnetic confinement of plasmas 546  (424)
Pereverzev G. V., Effect of diffraction on absorption of lower hybrid waves in a tokamak 549  (426)
Asadullaev N. A., Brandt N. B., Vlasenko V. A., Kozlov S. N., Chudinov S. M., Nonohmic hopping conductivity in strong electric and magnetic fields 552  (429)
Smirnov G. V., Shvyd'ko Yu. V., Experimental study of the time evolution of the decay of Bragg modes of the collective nuclear excitations in the crystal 556  (431)
Bogomol'nyi E. B., Fine structure of the wave functions of quantum systems 561  (436)

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