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VOLUME 43 (1986) | ISSUE 4 | PAGE 194
Divergence of the phase relaxation time \tau_\varphi near Tc in 3D metallic glasses
The magnetoresistance of 3D glasses Zr100 _ x Nix has been studied. The temperature dependence of the relaxation time τψ and that of the parameter/? have been determined. Both are anomalous near Tc. The relaxation time τφ diverges in proportion to (Τ — Tc)_3/2, while β diverges in proportion to (Τ — Tc) ~1/2, not (\nT/Tc) ~ \ as predicted theoretically by APtshuler et ah {Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 81,768 (1981) [Sov.Phys. JETP54,411 (1981)]}.