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VOLUME 43 (1986) | ISSUE 7 | PAGE 317
CP nonconservation in rare decays of Bs0 mesons
CP-odd effects might be sought in "forbidden" decays of В ° mesons involving a b—>u transition. In the decay of В ° or В ° to the same final state [ p°(0))Ks,K°(y)Ks) etc. ], CP-odd effects should be of order unity in the standard model. The CP nonconservation would be observed most conveniently as a spatial oscillation of the yield in "tracer" beams of В ° mesons. The integrated charge asymmetry of the yield (/ ± + p°Ks) in e+e~ annihilation is expected to be significant with a relatively light Г-quark (xB SI).