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VOLUME 43 (1986) | ISSUE 9 | PAGE 401
Nuclear-emulsion observation of the decay of a charmed Σc0 baryon Λc+π- followed by a Λc+ decay into Σ+π-π+
An event in which the decay of a charmed Σ° baryon into ìÓ+ and ÔÇ~ has been detected in a neutrino experiment with a nuclear emulsion is described. The decay of the ìÓ+ baryon occurs in the channel ìÓ++π~π+ with an observable subsequent decay of Σ+^>π+η. The mass of the ìÓ+ is 2.300 + 0.025 GeV/c2, and it decays in a time of (3.13 + 0.02) χ 10""13 s. The mass of the Σ° baryon and the difference between the Σ° and ìÓ+ masses are 2.462 ± 0.026 GeV/c2 and 0.163 + 0.002 GeV/c2, respectively.