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VOLUME 25 (1977) | ISSUE 12 | PAGE 557
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8
The heat capacity and the temperature dependence of the critical field of the superconducting molybdenum sulfide Mo6NaS8 was measured. It is shown that, in contrast to Mo5SnS6, the value of Cp/T above the critical temperature deviates little from a linear function of Γ2. We determined the Debye temperature 0D = 118 K, the Sommerfeld constant у = 9.2 X 10"3J/K2 mole, the derivative (dHc2/dT)T= Tc = 12.8kOe/K and the critical field Яс2(0) = 100 kOe.