Measurement of the mass of the neutral kaon
Barkov L M., Blinov G. A., Vasserman I. B., Vorob'ev P. V., Ivanov P. M., Kezerashvili G. Ya., Koop I. A., Lysenko A. P., Okhapkin V. S., Perevedentsev E. A., Polunin A. A., Ryskulov N. M., Skrinskii A. N., Smakhtin V. P., Solodov E. P., Khazin B. I., Shatunov Yu. M., Shekhtman A. I.
The momenta and emission angles of the pions in the reaction e+e ~^KLKS have been measured with a cryogenic magnetic detector at the VEPP-2M storage ring. The energy of the particles in the storage ring is found by resonant depolarization. The mass found for the neutral kaon is 497.742 + 0.085 MeV.