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VOLUME 42 (1985) | ISSUE 4 | PAGE 176
Study of the spectral distribution of vibrational states in metallic glasses Mg70Zn30 and Cu33 Zr67
The generalized distribution functions of the oscillation frequencies Θ(έ) are measured by the method of inelastic scattering of cold neutrons by metallic-glass samples Mg70 Zn30 and Cu33 Zr67 and by their single-phase crystalline analogs. In contradiction of the results of Refs. 1 and 2 [Suck et al., J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 13, L167 (1980); J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 14, 2305 (1981)], it is shown that the oscillation spectrum of the amorphous state has an extended region in which 0(e)б2.