Possible exotic

state with a mass of about 1.5 GeV
Bityukov S. I., Viktorov V. A., Vishnevskii N. K., Golovkin S. V., Dzhelyadin R. I., Dorofeev V. A., Ermolin Yu. V., Zaitsev A. M., Konstantinov A. S., Kubarovskii V. P., Kulyavtsev A. I., Kurshetsov V. F., Landsberg L. G., Lapin V. V., Mukhin V. A., Novozhilov Yu. B., Obraztsov V. F., Prokoshkin Yu. D., Solyanik V. I.
New data have been obtained on a resonance in the φπ° system which forms in the charge-exchange reaction ir~p—*Cn, The experiments were carried out on the 70-GeV accelerator at Serpukhov. The mass and width of the resonance are Mc = 1490 ± 25 MeV and Гс = 165 ± 30 MeV. The cross section has been determined atamomentumof32.5GeV/c:a(77-_/?~>C/i)BR(C-^7r°) = 35+15 nb. The С state has an isospin / = 1, a spin J> 1, and a negative charge parity. It is strongly coupled to the φπ° channel and is regarded as a possible exotic meson.