The filament formation by impurities embedding into superfluid helium
E. B. Gordon*, R. Nishida, R. Nomura, Y. Okuda
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
* Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics (permanent address), 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
PACS: 67.57.Vs, 68.65.La
The hydrogen molecules embedded in superfluid helium as a gas jet
are shown to form long thin filaments. These filaments survived under
helium transition to a normal phase demonstrating their conjugated entity.
The concentration of an impurity in the core of vortex may be the
mechanism of the impurity coalescence providing a cotton-like structure of
a condensate obtained by the impurities contained gas helium jet introduction
to He-II.