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VOLUME 29 (1979) | ISSUE 3 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Vekhter B.C., Kaplan M.D. , A new type of structural Jahn-Teller phase transition in DyVO4 induced by an electric field 155  (173)
Petrosyan A.M., Venevtsev Yu.N. , Separation of the three-pulse dynamic echo and the electroacoustic trace 158  (176)
Yan'kov V.V. , Two types of Langmuir solitons 160  (179)
Bezruchko B.P. , Kuznetsov S.P. , Trubetskov D.I. , Experimental observation of stochastic self-oscillations in the electron beam- backscattered electromagnetic wave dynamic system 162  (180)
Meletov K.P. , Rashba E.I. , Sheka E.F. , Narrowing of the phonon satellites in the fluorescence spectra of small local excitons 165  (184)
Gershenzon M.E., Gubankov V.N., Relaxation phenomena at UHF in superconducting niobium films 169  (189)
Kallosh R.E. , Super-self-duality 172  (192)
Byalko A.V. , The hydrodynamics of black hole vaporization 176  (196)

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