Observation of munucleonic chlorine atom
Bashkirov V.A. , Govorov V.V. , Dobretsov Yu.P. , Dolgoshein B.A. , Zalikhanov B.Sh., Zinov V.G., Kirillov-Ugryumov V.G. , Nevskii P.L., Smakov A.Ya. , Sumarokov A.V., Rogozhin A.M.
Munucleonic chlorine atoms formed in the course of capture of polarized negative muons by argon atoms in a gaseous argon atmosphere with xenon admixtures were observed by measuring the precession frequencies of their total momentum in 3.0and 4.4-gauss magnetic fields transverse with respect to muon spin. The coefficient of asymmetry of the electron from the μ—decay is 0.059+0.012