Electrical conductivity of a low-temperature two-dimensional medium
Vul B. M., Zavaritskaya E. I., Zavaritskii V. N.
The surface conductivity σπ of the (111) face of a germanium crystal has been studied over the temperature (T) interval from 1.2 to 4.2 K. At σα S (e2/h ) the surface conductivity σπ varies in proportion to exp( — e/kT), where e is the electron charge, h is the Planck constant, and e is the activation energy. At σα £ {e2/h) the behavior of the conductivity is described by Ασ — σΏ(Τχ) — aa{T)~(e2/4h )ln(7"j/r) as the temperature is lowered from 7\ = 4.2 К to 1.2 K. In the transition region the σπ(Τ) dependence agrees quite well with both descriptions.