Observation of compression of high-aspect-ratio shell targets in the DEL'FIN-1 laser-fusion device
Basov N. G., Galichii A. A., Danilov A. E., Isakov A. I., Kalashnikov M. P., Merkul'ev Yu. A., Mikhailov Yu. A., Rode A. V., Sklizkov G. V., Fedotov S. N.
Experimental results on the compression of glass shell targets with an aspect ratio R /AR — 150-250 in the DELTIN-1 laser-fusion device are reported. The absorbed laser energy was Ε = 0.3-0.5 к J. The average shell velocity toward the center of the target was found to be С = 160 km/s, and the maximum compression was F0/F/ = 3.5X103.