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VOLUME 37 (1983) | ISSUE 2 | PAGE 126
Erratum: Mechanism of phase relaxation of the electron wave function in n-type GaAs [JETP Lett. 36, No. 6, 246-249 (20 September 1982)]
In the paper of О. V. EmePyanenko et al., published in Vol. 36, No. 6, the authors missed the following errors: The second line on p. 246 after Eq. (1) should read as follows: "...lH (Oc/eHf12 is the magnetic length. In the caption of Fig. 3 the last part of the sentence should read "... line indicates the calculation of H/i^}." The second line on p. 248 above Eq. (2) should read as follows: "... requires that the inequality lH < I be satisfied (Ref. 2) and restricts ..." Equation (3) on p. 248 and the expression on line 3 from the bottom of the same page should read Μ £τφ."