Observation of a giant Gamow-Teller resonance in the reaction 90Zr(6Li, 6He)90Nb
Vinogradov A. A., Glukhov Yu. A., Dukhanov V. I., Mazurov I. B., Novatskii B. G., Ogloblin A. A., Paramanov V. V., Sakuta S. B., Stepanov D. N., Trunov A. G., Tsvetkov A. A., Grama C., Mihai M.
The j6Li, 6He) reactions induced by 93-MeV 6Li ions have been studied in the isotropes 13C and 90Zr in the angular interval 10°-14°. A giant Gamow-Teller resonance has been observed in the reaction (6Li, 6He) for the first time, at excitation energy Ex ~ 8.7 MeV. In addition, an Ml resonance may have been observed at an excitation energy of 13 MeV; this would be the analog of the Ml resonance of the 90Zr nucleus.