Study of hopping conductivity in GaSbC<Te>
Brandt N. B., Demishev S. V., Moshchalkov V. V., Chudinov S. M.
The density-of-state function and the impurity-band conductivity, which was split off from the L extremum, were investigated concurrently in GaSb<Te>. A transition from Mott's law, which occurs over a broad temperature range 0.38 Κ < Τ < 50 К, to a power-law dependence ρ ~\/Ta (0.08 Κ < Τ < 0.38 К), which was predicted by Pollak [J. Non-Cryst. Solids 35-36, 83 (1980)] for a cascade, many-electron, hopping conductivity, was detected.