VOLUME 22 (1975) | ISSUE 10 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Belikovich V. V. , Benediktov E. A., Getmantsev G. G., Ignat'ev Yu. A., Komrakov G. P.,
Scattering of radio waves from the artificially perturbed F region of the ionosphere
Kasatkin A. L., Pashitskii E. A. ,
Josephson effect in the presence of a weak electromagnetic field
Belavin A. A. , Polyakov A. M. ,
Metastable states of two-dimensional isotropic ferromagnets
Peisakhovich Yu. G. ,
Birefringence of light in antiferromagnets near the Neel temperature
Belevtsev V. I. , Brandt N. B. , Komnik Yu. F.,
Features of the resistance change in phase transitions in bismuth and gallium films
Ginzburg V. L. ,
"Evaporation" of black holes and the fundamental length
Brodin M. S., Blonskii I. V., Strashnikova M. I. ,
Radiation of an electron-hole drop in the layered semiconductor PbI2 |
Delone F. A. , Zon B. A. , Petrosyan K. B. ,
Investigation of the perturbation of atomic states in an elliptic-polarization field
Volkov G. G. , Liparteliani A. G., Tikhonin F. F.,
Nature of weak hadron currents
Demidovich N. N. , Nakhutin I. E. , Shatunov V. G. ,
Certain features of the stopping power of gases for fission fragments
Sapershtein E. E. , Tolokonnikov S. V. , Fayans S. A. ,
Influence of finiteness effects on the character of pion condensation in atomic nuclei
Belyakov E. S. , Lorikyan M. P. , Markaryan K. Zh., Muradyan M. M. , Shikhlyarov K. K.,
Erratum: Interference phenomena in transition radiation [JETP Lett. 18, No. 6, 209-211 (20 September 1973)]
Aref'eva I. Ya. , Korepin V. E. ,
Erratum: Scattering in two-dimensional model with Lagrangian L = (1/γ)[(1/2)δμ u)2 + m2(cos u- 1)] JETP Lett. 20, No. 10, 312-314 (20 November 1974)]
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