VOLUME 28 (1978) | ISSUE 11 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Belov A.A., Karasev M.D., Rusanov N.V.,
Electric resonance in a gas
Koz'mik V.D., Mikhailyuk I.P.,
Experimental observation of diffraction focusing of a spherical x-ray wave
Kurkin M.l.,
Contribution to the theory of stationary NMR signals under conditions of large dynamic frequency shifts
Fomin I.A.,
Anomalous magnetic relaxation in superfluid helium-3
Bakai A.S., Voitsenya V.S., Voloshko A.Yu., Solodovchenko S.I., Shtan' A.F.,
Influence of drift oscillations on the ionic thermal conductivity of a plasma
Tolpygo S.K., Tulin V.A.,
Suppression of superconductivity of a tin film by microwave radiation
Evseev I.V., Ermachenko V.M.,
Polarization properties of photon echo at small areas of the exciting pulses
Belousov N.V., Pogarev D.E.,
Interference between overtone states of an impurity and the host lattice in an NH4CI |
Ambartsumyan R.V., Makarov, G.N., Puretskii A.A.,
Observation of inverse radiationless transitions when polyatomic molecules are excited by IR laser emission
Chetkin M.V., Akhutkina A.I., Shalygin A.N.,
Supercritical velocities of domain walls in orthoferrites
Ivanenko I.P., Kanevskii B.L., Roganova T.M.,
Possibility of determining the energy dependence of the hadron-nucleus cross section and of the multiplicity within the framework of the scaling-violation model at x 0.1
Kapshai V.N., Sidorov N.V., Skachkov N.B.,
Large and quark-quark cross section in the dynamic model of factorizing quarks
Arkatov Yu.M., Vatset P.I., Voloshchuk V.I., Gur'ev V.N., Zolenko V.A., Prokhorets I.M.,
Experimental verification of the role of exchange meson currents in the description of photoprocesses in systems with few nucleons
Alkhazov G.D., Belostotskii S.L., Vorob'ev A.A., Domchenkov O.A., Dotsenko Yu.V., Legrand D., Kuropatkin N.P., Nikulin V.N., Shuvaev M.A., Escudie J.-L.,
Spin-orbit interaction and distribution of the density of nuclear matter
Grigoryan A.A., Kaidalov A.B.,
Erratum: Possibility of existence of exotic baryon resonances with isospins I 5/2 [JETP Lett. 28, 293 (1978)]
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