VOLUME 14 (1971) | ISSUE 1 |
Magnetic Breakdown Giant Oscillations of Absorption of Sound by Metals
Slutskin A.A., Sokolov S.A.
It is well known that the oscillatory dependence of different macroscopic quantities in metals on the magnetic field Η is due to its quantizing properties. Usually, owing to the smallness of the quasiclassical parameter к = ейН/cbp (bcharacteristic dimension in p-space) the oscillations have a small amplitude /к. However, the amplitude of the oscillations for the absorption of a sound wave (with frequency ω and wave vector q) under resonance conditions can become "giant," i.e., il. This circumstance was first pointed out by Gurevich, Skobov, and Firsov (GSF) [1]. The GSF effect is due to oscillations of the density of the number of states on the Fermi surface at the point Pz, where there is resonance (pz is the projection of the momentum on Η = (0, 0, Η))1). To observe this effect it is necessary to have a very small width of the resonance, namely [1] v0/qv0 < /к (vQ collision frequency, v0 -characteristic velocity).