VOLUME 86 (2007) | ISSUE 3 |
PAGE 244
The Orientation Effect on Superfluid 3He in Anisotropic Aerogel
T. Kunimatsu*, T. Sato+, K. Izumina+, A. Matsubara+*∇, Y. Sasaki*∇, M. Kubota+, O. Ishikawa, T. Mizusaki*, Yu. M. Bunkov
PACS: 67.57.-z
We report on the orientation of the order parameter in the
A-like and B-like phases of superfluid 3He immersed in
uniaxially-compressed aerogel. By NMR methods we find that the
orbital momentum of the A- and B-like phases is oriented along the
deformation. In the A-like phase we observe a relatively narrow NMR
line with an anomalously large negative frequency shift. We have
succeeded in measuring the Leggett frequency in the A-like phase
which shows the same energy gap suppression as in the B-like phase.