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VOLUME 8 (1968) | ISSUE 3 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Darmanyan A. P. , Mitsuk V. E., Chernikov V. A. , Lowering of the Optical Breakdown Threshold in a Laser Focus by Superimposing a Microwave Field 71  (117)
Varfolomeev A.P., Zakharchenya B.P., Seisyan R. P. , Observation of the Structure of Diamagnetic Excitons in the Electroabsorption Spectrum of Ge 74  (123)
Arifov T. U. , Askar'an G.A., Tarasova N.M. , Ionizing Action of Radiation Due to Heating of Substance in the Focus of a Laser Beam and Production of a Plasma with High Degree of Ionization 77  (128)
Lutskii V. N., Kulik L.A., Features of Optical Characteristies of Bismuth Films Under Conditions of Quantum Size Effect 80  (133)
Generalov N. A. , Kozlov G. I., Raizer Yu. P. , Effect of Strong Increase of Absorptivity of a Partly Ionized Gas at High Light Intensities 82  (138)
Aref'ev I.M., Krivokhizha S. V., Kyzylasov Yu. I., Starunov V.S., Fabelinskii L. I. , Stimulated Raman Scattering and Generation of Infrared Radiation in Quartz at Low Temperatures 84  (142)
Deryugin I.A., Zaporozhets V. V. , Line Shape of Nonlinear Ferromagnetic Resonance of Second Order 86  (145)
Gorbunov A. N., Investigation of the Reactions He4(γ, p)H3 and He4(γ, n)He3 88  (148)
Basov Yu. G. , Connection Between Activation Energy of Thermal Dissociation of Molecules in the Gas Phase and the Bond-breaking Energy 93  (155)
Shapiro I.S., Fine Structure of Giant Resonances 95  (158)
Mel'nikov V. I. , Oscillations of Absorption and Amplification of Ultrasound in Inelastic Scattering of Electrons 97  (162)

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