VOLUME 86 (2007) | ISSUE 4 |
PAGE 311
Symmetries of Electrostatic Interaction between DNA Molecules
V. Golo*, E. Kats, Y. Volkov* 1)
*Department of Mechancs and Mathematics Moscow University, 119899 Moscow, Russia +Institute Landau, 117334 Moscow, Russia Institut Laue-Langevin, 38042 Grenoble, France
PACS: 87.15.-v
We study a model for pair interaction U of DNA molecules
generated by the discrete dipole moments of base-pairs and the
charges of phosphate groups, and find noncommutative group of
eighth order of symmetries that leave U invariant. We
classify the minima using group and employ numerical
methods for finding them. The minima may correspond to several
cholesteric phases, as well as phases formed by cross-like
conformations of molecules at an angle close to 90o ,
"snowflake phase". The results depend on the effective charge Q
of the phosphate group which can be modified by the polycations or
the ions of metals. The snowflake phase could exist for Q above
the threshold QC. Below QC there could be several
cholesteric phases. Close to QC the snowflake phase could
change into the cholesteric one at constant distance between
adjacent molecules.