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VOLUME 15 (1972) | ISSUE 7 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Golyanov V.M., Demidov A.P., Mikheeva M.N., Teplov A.A., Superconducting Transition Temperature and Structure of Molybdenum Films Doped with Carbon 257  (365)
Glazer A.A., Potapov A.P., Tagirov R.I., ThermographiÓ Recording on a Manganese-permalloy Film with Exchange Anisotropy 259  (368)
Ashkinadze B.M., Rozhdestvenskii V.V., Observation of Microwave Radiation Absorption by Electron-hole Drops in Ge and Si 261  (371)
Balakirev M.K., Luchinin S.D., Motion of n-InSb Electron-hole Plasma Produced by Local Impact 264  (375)
Drabkin G.M., Kasman Ya.A., Runov V.V., Luzanin I.D., Shender E.F., Investigation of Magnetic Phase Transition in Y3Fe5O12 267  (379)
Gross E.F., Kreingol'd F.I., Makarov V.L., Resonant Interaction Between Ortho- and Para-excitons with Participation of Phonons in a Cu2O Crystal 269  (383)
Vandlik T.B., Vandlik Ya., Zaitseva N.G., Mate Z., Mahunka I., Mahunka M., Fenyes T., Tyrroff H., Jahim M., The New Isotope Tl^189 271  (386)
Demirkhanov R.A., Gevorkov A.K., Popov A.F., Kolmakov O.A., Mechanism of Plasma Heating by an Electron Beam in a Mirror Trap 274  (389)
Zasimov V.S., Kuz'min R.N., Aleksandrov A.Yu., Firov A.I., Nuclear Quadrupole Diffraction of Resonant Gamma Radiation in a Tellurium Single Crystal 277  (394)
Aleksandrov Yu.A., Ozerov R.P., Ranev N.V., Electron Density in Tungsten Crystal According to Neutron-Electron Interaction Data 280  (398)
Vdovin Yu.A., Ermachenko V.M., Popov A.I., Protsenko E.D., Observation of fine Structure Within the Limits of Homogeneous Line Width 282  (401)
Shafranovskaya N.N., Trifonov E.N., Lazurkin Yu.S., Frank-Kamenetskii M.D., Long-range Migration of Electron Excitation Energy Through a DNA Molecule 285  (404)
Sandomirskii V.B., Zhdan A.G., Messerer M.A., Gulyaev I.B., Model of Frozen-in (Residual) Conductivity 287  (408)
Bar'yakhtar V.G., Klepikov V.F., Influence of Inhomogeneous States on the Paramagnetic-ferromagnetiÓ Phase Transition 289  (411)
Handrich K., Schreiber J., Spin Dependence of the Susceptibility and Curie Temperature of Amorphous Ferromagnets 292  (414)
Galeev A.A., Lominadze D.G., Pataraya A.D., Sagdeev R.Z., Stepanov K.N., Anomalous Plasma Resistance Due to Instability at Cyclotron Harmonics 294  (417)
Bilen'kaya S.I., Bilen'kii S.M., Kazarinov Yu.M., Scale Relation for Proton Form Factors 297  (420)
Roitburd A.L., Relaxation of Internal Stresses in Heterophase Systems and Phase Nucleation in Solids 300  (423)
Achasov N.N., Shestakov G.N., ρ0 - ω Interference in the Reactions γ N→ π+π-Δ 302  (427)
Dal'karov O.D., Kerbikov B.O., Shapiro I.S., Quantum Numbers and Total and Partial Widths of the Resonance N\bar{N}(1970) 305  (430)
Dolgov A.D., Zakharov V.I., Okun' L.B., Interpretation of Experiments on the Searches for the KS → 2μ Decay 308  (434)
Ryazanov M.I., Detection of Fast Particles by the Deflection of Electromagnetic Waves in a Train of Excited States of Atoms Accompanying the Particle 310  (437)
Ivlev B.I., Effects Connected with the Resonant Behavior of the Gap in a Superconductor 313  (441)

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