VOLUME 19 (1974) | ISSUE 1 |
Plasma parameters in a magnetoplasma compressor in the compression zone
Berkov V.I., Morozov A.I.
We report the results of an investigation of a raagnetoplasma compressor using a bank of low energy (< 30 kJ) but having parameters of practical interest, viz., quasistationary plasma lifetime τ ^ 40 ysec, jet length L > 2 m, jet macroscopically stable, flow divergence θ < 10°, impurity concentration in the central compression zone α < 0.5%, Te < 11 eV, N£ < 5*1017 cm"3, and Wi < 200 eV. Regimes are observed in which half the energy fed to the discharge is released in the form of radiation (mainly in the vacuum ultraviolet).