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VOLUME 23 (1976) | ISSUE 1 | PAGE 11
Searches for muonium atoms in aluminum, copper, zinc, and carbon
No temperature dependence of the μ+-meson precession was observed, with accuracy -0.03%, in Al, Cu, Zn, and С at Τ = 4 to 90°K. It follows from these data that the frequencies ω0 of the hyperfine splitting of the muonium atom (μ+ε ") in these substances are ω0< Ю-4 (co0)Vac where (co0)vac is the frequency of the hyperfine splitting of muonium in vacuum. So small a value of ω0 in the investigated substances can be interpreted as the absence of an orbitally bound paramagnetic state of (μ+ε ~).