First measurements of plasma parameters with the Tokamak-10 setup
Berlizov A.B., Vasin N.L., Vinogradov V.P., Gorbunov E.P., Dnestrovskii Yu.N., Zaveryaev V.S., Izvozchikov A.B., Lysenko S.E., Notkin G.E., Petrov M.P., Popkov G.N., Razumova K.A., Strelkov V.S., Shcheglov D.A.
A plasma of density 6χ1013 cm-3, electron temperature ~1 keV, ion temperature ~ 0.7 keV, and neutron yield 3x10" per discharge was obtained from the Tokamak-10 setup at a magnetic field 35 kOe, current 0.4 MA, and duration up to 1 sec. The energy containment time was ~80 msec, and the plasma conductivity reached 7 χ 1016 cgs esu.