Investigation of two-particle inclusive correlations in inelastic pion-nuclear interactions at 50 GeV/c
Voinov V.G., Gaitinov A.Sh., Chasnikov I.Ya., Salomov Dzh., Tolstov K.D., Khoshmukhamedov R.A., Shabratova G.S., EI-Nagy A., Sherif M., Solov'eva Z.I., Adamovich M.I., Larionova V.G., Orlova G.I., Tret'yakova M.I., Kharlamov S.P., Chernyavskii M.M., Azimov S.A., Bondarenko R.A., Gulyamov K.G., Petrov V.I., Trofimova T.P., Chernova L.P., Chernov G.M.
The correlations between different charge combinations of pion pairs from inelastic collisions of negative pions with nuclei are investigated at 50 GeV energy. It is shown that the two-particle inclusive correlations in pion-nucleus collisions depend on the charges of the pions and are different from those in the elementary pion-nucleus interaction act.