Enhanced super-hyperfine structure of EPR spectra of U3+ ion in the Van Vleck paramagnet LiTmF4
L. K. Aminov, A. A. Ershova, S. L. Korableva, I. N. Kurkin, A. A. Rodionov, B. Z. Malkin
Kazan State University, 420008 Kazan, Russia
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 75.30.Et, 76.30.Kg
The observation of the super-hyperfine structure (SHFS) of EPR
spectra due to enhanced nuclear magnetism is reported. The X-band spectrum of
U3 + ion introduced into the Van Vleck paramagnet LiTmF4 was
measured in the temperature range of 5-20 K and compared with the spectra
of LiLuF4:U3 + and LiYF4:U3 + single crystals. The
spectra reveal well resolved and strikingly different SHFS. SHFS of
Li(Lu,Y)F4:U3 + is due to fluorine ions forming the nearest
surroundings of the U3 + ion. The main contribution to SHFS of the
U3 + spectrum in LiTmF4 is coming from Tm3 + ions with
highly enhanced nuclear gyromagnetic tensor.