Spin-precession vortex and spin-precession supercurrent stability in 3He-B
E. B. Sonin
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
PACS: 67.30.Hj, 67.30.He
The Letter analyzes stability of spin precession currents in
superfluid 3He-B when the precession angle is very close to 104°.
In this limit a spin-precession vortex has a very large core, and a barrier
blocking motion of these large-core vortices across the current streamlines
(phase slip) disappears at precession-phase gradients much smaller than
critical gradients estimated from the Landau criterion. Nevertheless, spin
precession currents remain stable up to the Landau critical gradients, since
in this case there is a barrier, which blocks the phase slip at very early
stage of vortex-core nucleation. The Letter also predicts a second-order
phase transition between a parity-symmetric and parity-nonsymmetric
spin-precession vortex cores at the precession angle 126.5°.