f(R) cosmology from q-theory
F. R. Klinkhamer#, G. E. Volovik*+ 1)
#Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
*Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O.Box 5100, FIN-02015, HUT, Finland
+Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, Kosygina 2, 119334 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 04.20.Cv, 11.30.Cp, 95.36.+x, 98.80.Jk
From a macroscopic theory of the quantum vacuum in terms of
conserved relativistic
(generically denoted by q(a) with label a),
we have obtained, in the low-energy limit,
a particular type of f(R) model relevant to cosmology.
The macroscopic quantum-vacuum theory
allows us to distinguish between different
phenomenological f(R) models on physical grounds.