Spatial distribution of local density of states in vicinity of impurity on semiconductor surface
V. N. Mantsevich, N. S. Maslova
+Moscow State University, Department of Physics, 119991 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 71.55.-i
We present the results of detailed theoretical
investigations of changes in local density of total electronic
surface states in 2D anisotropic atomic semiconductor lattice in
vicinity of impurity atom for a wide range of applied bias voltage.
We have found that taking into account changes in density of
continuous spectrum states leads to the formation of a downfall at
the particular value of applied voltage when we are interested in
the density of states above the impurity atom or even to a series of
downfalls for the fixed value of the distance from the impurity. The
behaviour of local density of states with increasing of the distance
from impurity along the chain differs from behaviour in the
direction perpendicular to the chain.