Photoionization of Onion-type atoms
M. Ya. Amusia+*, L. V. Chernysheva+, E. Z. Liverts*
+A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia
*Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel
PACS: 32.80.-t, 33.60.+q, 33.80.-b
The photoionization of a two-shell ("onion") endohedral
A@C N1@C N2
is considered. The effect of the fullerenes shells upon photoelectron from
atom A is taken into account substituting the action of the fullerene by two
zero-thickness "bubble potentials". The fullerenes shells polarization is
included assuming that the radius of the outer shell R2 is much bigger
than the inner R1 and both much exceed the atomic radius r. The
interaction between shells C N1 and C N2 is taken into
account in the Random Phase Approximation (RPA). The effect of photoelectron
scattering by both "bubble potentials" is included in the RPA frame. As
concrete examples, two endohedrals Ar@C60@C240 and
Xe@C60@C240 are considered. We investigate 3p4 Ar and 5p Xe