On the modulation instability development in optical fiber systems
D. S. Agafontsev
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Extensive numerical simulations were performed to
investigate all stages of modulation instability development
from the initial pulse of pico-second duration in photonic
crystal fiber: quasi-solitons and dispersive waves formation,
their interaction stage and the further propagation. Comparison
between 4 different NLS-like systems was made: the classical
NLS equation, NLS system plus higher dispersion terms, NLS
plus higher dispersion and self-steepening and also fully
generalized NLS equation with Raman scattering taken into account.
For the latter case a mechanism of energy transfer from smaller
quasi-solitons to the bigger ones is proposed to explain the
dramatical increase of rogue waves appearance frequency in
comparison to the systems when the Raman scattering is not
taken into account.