VOLUME 92 (2010) | ISSUE 6 |
PAGE 410
Dynamic and spectral mixing in nanosystems
V. A. Benderskii, E. I. Kats+
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia +Laue-Langevin Institute, F-38042 Grenoble, France and L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 117940 Moscow, Russia
In the framework of simple spin-boson Hamiltonian we study an
interplay between dynamic and spectral roots to stochastic-like behavior. The
Hamiltonian describes an initial vibrational state coupled to discrete dense
spectrum reservoir. The reservoir states are formed by three sequences with
rationally independent periodicities typical for
vibrational states in many nanosize systems (e.g., large molecules containing
CH2 fragment chains, or carbon nanotubes). We show that quantum
evolution of the system is determined by a dimensionless parameter δ
Γ , where Γ is characteristic number of the reservoir states
relevant for the initial vibrational level dynamics. When δ Γ >
1 spectral chaos destroys recurrence cycles and the system state evolution
is stochastic-like. In the opposite limit δ Γ < 1 dynamics is
regular up to the critical recurrence cycle kc and for larger k > kc
dynamic mixing leads to quasi-stochastic time evolution. Our
semi-quantitative analytic results are confirmed by numerical solution of the
equation of motion. We anticipate that both kinds of stochastic-like behavior
(namely, due to spectral mixing and recurrence cycle dynamic mixing) can be
observed by femtosecond spectroscopy methods in nanosystems in the spectral
window 1011 - 1013 s-1 .