Electronic structure of novel multiple-band superconductor SrPt2As2
I. A. Nekrasov, M. V. Sadovskii1)
Institute for Electrophysics RAS, Ural Branch, 620016 Ekaterinburg, Russia
We present LDA calculated electronic structure of recently
discovered superconductor SrPt2As2 with Tc=5.2K. Despite its
chemical composition and crystal structure are somehow similar to FeAs-based
high-temperature superconductors, the electronic structure of SrPt2As2
is very much different. Crystal structure is orthorhombic (or tetragonal if
idealized) and has layered nature with alternating PtAs4 and AsPt4
tetrahedra slabs sandwiched with Sr ions. The Fermi level is crossed by
Pt-5d states with rather strong admixture of As-4p states. Fermi surface of
SrPt2As2 is essentially three dimensional, with complicated sheets
corresponding to multiple bands. We compare SrPt2As2 with 1111 and 122
representatives of FeAs-class of superconductors, as well as with isovalent
(Ba,Sr)Ni2As2 superconductors. Brief discussion of superconductivity
in SrPt2As2 is also presented.