Hidden reentrant superconducting phase in a magnetic field in (TMTSF)2ClO4
A. G. Lebed
Department of Physics, University of Arizona, AZ 85721 Tucson, USA
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334 Moscow, Russia
We suggest explanation of the high upper critical magnetic field, perpendicular to
conducting chains and parallel to conducting layers,
experimentally observed in the organic superconductor
In particular, we show that Hb'c2 can be higher than both the
quasiclassical upper critical field and
Clogston-Chandrasekhar paramagnetic limit in a
singlet quasi-one-dimensional superconductor. We predict the coexistence of
the hidden Reentrant and Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell phases in a
magnetic field. Our results are compared to the recent experimental data and
shown to be in a good agreement with the experiments.