Qualitative difference between the angular anisotropy parameters in fast electron scattering and photoionization
M. Ya. Amusia*°, L. V. Chernysheva°, E. Z. Liverts*
*Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel
°A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, 194021 St.-Petersburg, Russia
It is demonstrated for the first time that in spite of well known
big similarities between atomic ionization by photons and fast electrons, a
qualitative difference exists in angular anisotropy parameters of electrons
knocked out in these processes. The difference is disclosed here and
attributed to distinction between normal (transverse) and virtual
(longitudinal) photons. Formulas are derived for dipole and non-dipole
angular anisotropy parameters in fast electron-atom scattering. The ratio of
quadrupole-to-dipole matrix elements is determined by the parameter
ω R/υ<1, where ω
is the transferred in collision energy, R is the ionized shell radius, and
υ is the speed of projectile. This factor can be much bigger than in
the case of photoionization, where one has the speed of light c that is much
bigger than υ.
We illustrate general formulas by concrete results
for outer s-subshells of noble gas atoms Ar and Xe. Even for very small
transferred momentum q, in the so-called optical limit, the deviation from
photoionization case is prominent and instructive.