Digital photocontrol of the network of live excitable cells
I. S. Erofeev+, N. Magome°, K. I. Agladze+°
+Research and Education Center Bionanophysics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia
°Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, 606-8501 Kyoto, Japan
Recent development of tissue engineering techniques allows creating
and maintaining almost indefinitely networks of excitable cells
with desired architecture.
We coupled the network of live excitable cardiac cells with a common computer
by sensitizing them to light, projecting a light pattern on the layer of cells,
and monitoring excitation with the aid of fluorescent probes (optical mapping).
As a sensitizing substance we used
azobenzene trimethylammonium bromide (AzoTAB).
This substance undergoes cis-trans-photoisomerisation
and trans-isomer of AzoTAB inhibits excitation in the cardiac cells,
while cis-isomer does not.
AzoTAB mediated sensitization allows, thus, reversible and dynamic control
of the excitation waves through the entire cardiomyocyte network either
uniformly, or in a preferred spatial pattern.
Technically, it was achieved by coupling a common digital projector
with a macroview microscope and using computer graphic software for creating
the projected pattern of conducting pathways.
This approach allows real time interactive photocontrol of the heart tissue.