Quark-hadron duality, axial anomaly and mixing
Y. Klopot+, A. Oganesian+*, O. Teryaev+
+Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
*Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117218 Moscow, Russia
Interplay between axial anomaly and quark-hadron duality in the
presence of strong mixing is considered. The anomaly sum rule for meson
transition form factors based on the dispersive representation of axial
anomaly and quark-hadron duality in octet channel is analyzed. The
comparison of this sum rule to the experimental data on η- and
η'-mesons transition form factors shows that the interval of duality in
this channel is rather small, contradicting the usual understanding of
quark-hadron duality. The same values of interval of duality are supported by
considering the two-point correlator in the local duality limit. This
contradiction may be resolved by introducing of some nonperturbative non-OPE
correction to the relevant spectral density. The form and value of this
correction are discussed.