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VOLUME 95 (2012) | ISSUE 2 | PAGE 61
Heavy quark currents in Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Interactions
We discuss heavy quark contributions to the neutrino-nucleon total cross section at very high energies, well above the real top production threshold. The top-bottom weak current is found to generate strong left-right asymmetry of neutrino-nucleon interactions. We separate contributions of different helicity states and make use of the κ-factorization to derive simple and practically useful formulas for the left-handed (FL) and right-handed (FR) components of the conventional structure function 2xF3=FL-FR in terms of the integrated gluon density. We show that F_L\gg F_R and, consequently, xF_3\approx F_T, where FT is the transverse structure function. The conventional structure function F2=FS+FT at Q^2\ll m_t^2 appears to be dominated by its scalar (also known as longitudinal) component FS and the hierarchy F_S\gg F_L\gg F_R arises naturally. We evaluate the total neutrino-nucleon cross section at ultra-high energies within the color dipole BFKL-formalism.