Anomalous temperature dependence of photoluminescence in GeOx films and GeOx/SiO2 nano-heterostructures
D. V. Marin, V. A. Volodin, H. Rinnert+, M. Vergnat+
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
+Institut Jean Lamour UMR CNRS 7198 - Nancy Université - UPV Metz, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
B.P. 70239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
The optical properties of GeOx film and GeOx/SiO2 multilayer heterostructures (with
thickness of GeOx layers down to 1 nm) were studied with the use of Raman scattering and IR
spectroscopy, ellipsometry and photoluminescence spectroscopy including temperature
dependence of photoluminescence. The observed photoluminescence is related to defect
(dangling bonds) in GeOx and interface defects for the case of GeOx/SiO2 multilayer
heterostructures. From analysis of temperature dependence of PL intensity, it was found that rate
of nonradiative transitions in GeOx film has Berthelot type, but anomalous deviations from
Berthelot type temperature dependence were observed in temperature dependences of PL
intensities for GeOx/SiO2 multilayer heterostructures.