Massive liquid Ar and Xe detectors for direct Dark Matter searches
B. M. Ovchinnikov, Yu. B. Ovchinnikov*, V. V. Parusov
Institute for Nuclear Research of the RAS, 117036 Moscow, Russia
*National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW, UK
A novel experiment for direct searches of the Dark Matter with liquid
argon double-phase
chamber with a mass of liquid Ar up to several hundred tons is proposed. To
suppress the β-, γ- and n0-backgrounds, the comparison of scintillation and ionization signals for
every event is
suggested. The addition in liquid Ar of photosensitive Ge(CH3)4 or C2H4 and
suppression of
triplet component of scintillation signals ensures the detection of
scintillation signals with high
efficiency and provides a complete suppression of the electron background. For
the detection of
photoelectrons and ionization electrons, highly stable and reliable GEM
detectors must be used.