Hyperfine structure splitting of the positron-helium ions e+[3He(23S)] and e+[4He(23S)]
A. M. Frolov
Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario N6H 5B7, Canada
The hyperfine structure splittings are determined for the lowest bound state
in the positron-helium ion e+[3He(23S)] and e+[4He(23S)].
In particular, we have fond that for the e+[3He(23S)] ion one can
observe the three following hyperfine structure splittinings: 5824.3986,
76466.5308 and 5824.4019 MHz. In the e+[4He(23S)] ion only
one hyperfine structure splitting 82963.0427 MHz can be observed. All these
values can be measured in modern experiments.