Magneto-optics of monolayer and bilayer graphene
L. A. Falkovsky
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of the RAS, 119334 Moscow, Russia
Verechagin Institute of the High Pressure Physics of the RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Russia
The optical conductivity of graphene and bilayer graphene in
quantizing magnetic fields is studied. Both dynamical conductivities,
longitudinal and Hall's, are analytically evaluated. The conductivity peaks
are explained in terms of electron transitions. Correspondences between the
transition frequencies and the magneto-optical features are established using
the theoretical results. The main optical transitions obey the selection
rule with Δ n=1 for the Landau number n. The Faraday rotation and
light transmission in the quantizing magnetic fields are calculated. The
effects of temperatures and magnetic fields on the chemical potential are